Thursday, July 30, 2020

Tabletop Thursday #4

GenCon Online started today. I am disappointed I'm not participating, but I had to make a choice between my IGGPPCamp or Online GenCon and it just felt like an easy decision to me. I GO to GenCon. Being online for it just doesn't have the same excitement for me. Plus I have Tabletop Thursday and 517 games!

Most of my daily entries will be in my daily Troop Wrap-Up and I'll be posting my activities as I complete them. It'll be a busy 4 days, but it'll be great!

Today, though, for tabletop suffered greatly at the hands of camp and apparently soreness from excessive exercise. We didn't get to the two games we had planned. I think my husband was having an off-day as well. So when we get to the games, I'll post it.


We played Camp Grizzly on Friday! Yay! It's up there on my self indulgent list of games. It's essentially a classic 80s horror movie. You player various characters types from the genre and you are trying to stay away from Otis! We have all the expansions, so we also have cameo visitors and some of the interesting new upgrades and characters.

What I find interesting is that we have been solicited to sell our game for several hundred dollars. It's an automatic NO, but I didn't know they had stopped making it. Just gone. This game is too great to just disappear. So my heart goes out to those who are looking for it. It's my baby, though, so... no sale.

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