Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Wii Wednesday #6

We did not Wii today! Shame on us! There were just quite a few little things going on all over the place that didn't allow for it to happen. It was also a day when I was feeling incredibly rundown and emotional, so it was difficult to get motivated. I had wanted to Wii in the morning, but both my husband and daughter woke up after 9AM! That is incredibly unusual.

So I finished the write-up on our D&D session and watched some Critical Role. Then I started working on different little projects as my mind would allow.

My husband made calls about school for my daughter and it looks like we'll have some good news on that soon. 90% is pretty decent and I don't think a principal is going to hand out information willy-nilly like that. But then again... why didn't her district already have something like this in place? Right now there are so many questions and the answers are all so aloof. But it looks like we'll be able to keep Isabelle in the district AND she'll get to homeschool, which makes me so happy.

My husband is still waiting on his unemployment checks. We're starting to feel the press and it's not good. He started to go down the rabbit hole of contacting the various government departments to get paid. Augusts are always the worst for us, because of school and other various weirdness.

One of the projects I was able to work on was making a classroom wishlist, so if you're a charitable person out there reading this, here is my wishlist for materials and my wishlist for books (I teach Literacy).

Bookset Wishlist (any amount of any book will be better than nothing)

Today had to be a reset day. Hopefully tomorrow is much better!

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