Monday, December 3, 2018

The Joy of Gaming: December Challenge 2018 - Day 3: Lucky's Misadventures

When we went to GenCon 2018, we picked up Lucky's Misadventures. Out a list my husband compiled for purchases while there, this was one I had as a must-get. If I remember correctly, it was one of my high-ranking bee-line games for when the hall opened. I've been excited to play it ever since. Not only did the artwork and playfulness of the theme win my eye, but it is also a deck building game and I love deck building games. This calendar was the perfect excuse to break out the game and finally give it a spin. 

We weren't disappointed. It plays quicker than we thought, but the game play and strategy are enough to keep it interesting. Then, of course, there is the artwork. Absolutely wonderful! 

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