Sunday, November 24, 2013

Mystery Science Theatre 3000 - 25th Anniversary

Posted by MST3K on Facebook this morning. . . I'm borrowing it, because I thought it was perfectly written.

25 years ago a guy named Joel, not too different from you or me, debuted a little show in Minneapolis that featured a ground-breaking comedy style and started a cultural phenomenon. That little show went on to produce 197 episodes, a movie, inspired followup ventures like Cinematic Titanic and RiffTrax, developed a huge fan following, and influenced many in the entertainment world. It's incredible for a show that's been off the air for 14 years to still have such an impact today, and shows how special it was.

Let's celebrate 25 years of Mystery Science Theater and keep circulating the tapes so we can celebrate in another 25 years!

According to Satellite News on This Day in 1988: “Mystery Science Theater 3000″ premieres on Minneapolis UHF TV station KTMA with a double feature: K01- INVADERS FROM THE DEEP and K02- REVENGE OF THE MYSTERONS.

If you've read me, you'll know that my love of MST3K is no secret. Additionally, my husband is an even bigger geek about MST3K than I am! He has a journal that he's been working on for well over a decade. I've shared my love for the show and my continued passion about MST3K. Granted, I was only 7 when they started the show and I was about 10 when I started watching, but this show has been a big part of my development as a geek girl. Thanks to those who kept the tapes circulating and for those who continue to produce the amazing compilations today.

Thank you, members of MST3K, for the amazing years of awesomeness.

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