My house over at my favorite geeky girl site is doing a 28 Days of Lists challenge. Every day post a list. There's no specific amount listed (5 is always good.... or my favorite numbers 3, 9, or 15). I just wanted to be able to have some fun with this and keep myself feeling awesome.
So let's start with Day 1: Geeky Favorites
1. Tabletop Games
Can't really explain much about this, because it's very self-explanatory. Here's the picture2. The Walking Dead (Zombies)
I seriously am in love with The Walking Dead. I have delved into both the comics and the television show. My husband and I are just addicted to the show. One of my students last year watched it and whenever we see each other now, it's "did you see that last episode!" "OH I KNOW!" Good times. Plus it goes into my enjoyment of things zombies.3. Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
I really liked the books when I was a youth, but I LOVE the movies and the visual-style of it. What I consider my past-long-forgotten was in the film industry, so I love film and I am a sucker for cinematography. I love the framing of scenes and lighting and color. The pallet of the 16:9. But I also love quotes from the books and so much of the culture. It's a package deal.4. Stephen King

5. Supernatural
My husband and I are super geeks for Supernatural. We love the characters, the stories, the seriousness, the silliness and Castiel and Crowley. We like the whole kit-and-kaboodle. Good stuff.6. Pins (pinbacks, buttons, whatever)
I collect pins. I've always collected pins. I LOVE pins. Even when I was a little kid, I had to have pins that I could pin all over the place I am a relentless collector of pins. What always breaks my heart about pins is that they fall off. That's hard for me, because I cherish them and want to show them off, but I am too scared to lose them. I am also an avid collector of Hard Rock Cafe pins. If you live near a Hard Rock Cafe anywhere in the world, think of me and grab a local pin.7. Cups

8. T-Shirts
I am a t-shirt freak. No, seriously. . . another thing I have way too many of. I use them for teaching or just expressing my love of geek. I am in love with t-shirts. They are my favorite thing to wear and, well. . . I like to let the world know stuff when they look at me other than "hey, look... an awkward girl!" Good times. I love Woot!shirt, SnorgTees, and TeeFury. TeeVillian is another one that I've found some great shirts on. I've been trying to get at least one for each of my fandoms.9. Sci-Fi
Yeah, I love Science Fiction. It's my favorite thing to read. It's usually my preferred movie genre between Fantasy and Sci-Fi. It's also the thing that I have the longest history with. I read Ender's Game and was totally hooked. I even have Ender engraved on the inside of my class ring. I love Star Wars and Star Trek and Asimov and Futurama. It's kind of my go-to and I love it!I'll stop with 9 today for this list. Kind of got carried away, but I don't know exactly what means Geeky Favorites... I have so many.
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