Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Joy of Gaming: December Challenge 2020 - Day 5: Korrigans

   (See previous entries HERE.)

Korrigans is a great family game that my husband says is one of the best family games in our collection. Luckily, we got the whole family together in a good mood to play this game. My husband has played this game with so many people, but shockingly it is my first time.  We're little korrigans who ride animals around looking for gold. There are some little mechanics, but it's predominating area exploration. I think it's got some set collecting with needing the little animals to move. Eh. It is really a good game and can be easily played by even the wee ones in your group.

A fun side note for this game. At the end, my husband and I were within 1 point of each other. My husband loves when we're that close in a game. But right before we cleaned up, I noticed that one of his characters had a minus-gold token on it. All of a sudden I had won by one point! We had a good laugh over this and it just made the game that much more enjoyable for us.

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