Friday, October 30, 2015

World Premiere - The Blair Iggle Project

Over the summer, I had to chance to participate in a fan "remake" of the Blair Witch Project. The BWP was a film I latched onto in my youth that rocked my world. I was hooked into their advertising and the faux-documentary-found-footage style. I was obsessed with it.

To this day, I still watch The Blair Witch Project (and sometimes #2) on Halloween!

So when the opportunity opened up this summer to participate in making a "swede" version of The Blair Witch Project, entitled The Blair Iggle Project, I jumped on it! Different people from around the world would film as many scenes as they could from the movie and then compile them into an homage of the BWP. They were done in low-budget ways with whatever materials and people we had available to make it happen. I did quite a few of the scenes at the beginning of the film, because I have a lot of locations near my house that I thought would work well for some of the locations, like Birkitsville and Coffin Rock.

Suffice to say, we finished our little film and here is the final product. I'm proud of being party of this fun creative project and it felt so right that it was this movie.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sherlock Christmas Special Teaser Trailer & Prediction

Like many people, I am a super fan of Sherlock. Love, love, love the show. I eagerly await all the bits and pieces of information that trickle in. I've always been a Sherlock fan, but this BBC series has me completely smitten.

So I've been watching all the little secrets and bits and pieces that have been released here and there. Finally, today, I saw the trailer.

Everyone is trying to figure out what the deal is with the trailer. We know it's set in Victorian times (Sherlock's original setting) and the characters are actually out and about in Victorian garb and Victorian London. One of the earlier predictions indicated they might be going to a costume party.

As if to join the huddled masses full of theories, I have devised a potential theory about the Sherlock Christmas Special!

As Watson has mentioned often, he writes a blog about his adventures. I think Watson was able to finally turn his writing into a novel and wrote a story about himself and Sherlock set in the 19th Century. That would explain some of the things that Sherlock says, especially talking about how he was created and even the mention of war.  The opening of the trailer talks about setting the stage and the curtain rising, which reflects the beginning of a story... a play, but this is too elaborate to be a play.

It could also explain where Watson tells Sherlock to put on the hat. They could be dressing up to go out for the book.

I don't know, I just thought that could be the key.... that John Watson finally turned Sherlock into a book. The trailer has a very story-like feel, with Sherlock's lines feeling unlike his typical Sherlock character persona.

Guess we'll see when all the fog and mystery is removed!